
Selasa, 11 Desember 2012

ats hand tools 6-22x8 pcs double open end wrench set

ATS Double Open End Wrench Set Perfect!
My hubby recently bought this wrench set because he needed it to repair our broken pump in our new house. It cost us around  for a set that contains 8 pieces of wrench. It's made by ATS Hand Tools, and I'm not so sure if this brand is popular for hand tools products. It comes in a red box and some kind of pyramid slots just to make the wrenches in order by their size. All the wrenches are polished and chrome-plated, hardened and tempered, and fully drop forged (like indicated in the packaging). The size range is between 6-22 mm, with one side for one size. So, if one side of a wrench is size 6, the other side of the wrench will be size 7, and all of these sizes are neatly arranged on the pyramid slot. My hubby loves this idea of putting the wrenches in order, because it eases him whenever he needs one particular size. It makes him easier and quicker to find the desired size. All the wrenches work so fine so far, and this complete set really helps him in repairing our broken pump. A recommended product, really!
Reviewing: Ats Hand Tools 6 22 X 8 Double Open End Wrench Set
Purchased at: Turonggo 

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